hays vs. the dark crystal hays vs. the labyrinth hays vs. willow hays vs. the masters of the universe hays meets james bond hays meets korn stargate hays hays vs. matt's DVDs hays vs. mad men hays vs. chuck norris hays vs. prehistory hays vs. going to bed hays vs. mcdonald's hays vs. sesame street hays vs. mortal kombat hays vs. cyclops hays vs. wolverine hays vs. superman hays vs. green lantern hays vs. battlestar galactica hays vs. mark twain hays vs. vivisection hays vs. apollo creed hays vs. rubber man cantina hays hays vs. the NFL hays vs. NYPD blue hays vs. blackbeard hays vs. 1776 hays vs. hot chocolate hays vs. space hays vs. the gym ninja hays! hays vs. ninja! hays halves hays drinks god smiteth hays elephant hays dr. haysenstein hays vs. a dragon hays vs. sharkman hays vs. sarlak hays vs. tigerman hays meets dick tracy hays vs. savage dragon! hays vs. the x-men! werewolf hays hays vs. the english hays vs. a centaur hays vs. wonder woman hays vs. darth vader hays vs. nardok crab-man #1 triceratops man! shark! continuity hays vs. $20 hays jogs hays vs. teddy hays vs. gas station skimboard hays hays vs. rocket surfboard hays vs. james bond hays skates hays vs. a bear hays vs. an '87 camry hays: ghost detective hays vs. a sasquatch hays joins the FBI hays goes to norway desert island hays star wars hays hays vs. the website hays vs. the mars volta hays vs. porcupine hays vs. bear trap hays vs. a panther hays vs. a bunny hays in hell hays vs. clay hays vs. the edge hays vs. pope hays vs. the cucumber hays vs. rutherford b. hayes hays: a sin city yarn hays vs. torko: spaceman hays vs. the dentist hays vs. alien (by ridley scott) hays gets too high godzilla attacks hays hays vs. the forgotten hays surfs hays vs. matt! anvil kills hays hays vs. fireball hays vs. norman knight hays vs. birthdays hays vs. guillotine that cuts off hands too hays vs. dream guy hays vs. atomonano-man hays vs. spacefish hays vs. the elements hays vs. shark hays vs. freudianism horse kills hays hays vs. starship troopers hays vs. holiday dept. store, part 3 hays vs. holiday dept. store, part 2 hays vs. holiday dept. store, part 1 hays gets shot hays vs. the whipmaster reaper kills hays hays. vs. colm meany hays' cure hays' arch-nemesis hays vs. zack and metafiction hays vs. zack hays vs. voodoo fairy dust hays vs. the whipmaster hays vs. the toilet hays vs. the master of disaster hays vs. the fist hays vs. the button hays vs. the bathroom hays vs. street skating hays vs. robocop hays vs. pyramids hays vs. predator hays vs. pendulums hays vs. mario hays vs. jeff goldblum hays vs. holiday dept. store hays vs. his cats hays vs. giant ninja hays vs. big dragon hays vs. batman hays vs. alaine hays vs. a shock pen hays vs. a roller coaster hays vs. a rhino hays vs. a rainstorm hays vs. a panda hays vs. a minotaur hays vs. a flea hays vs. a cave hays needs a hat hays meets white ninja hays meets the giant bird hays meets spider-man hays meets a cow hays in WW2 hays goes to the circus hays goes to heaven hays follows a trail